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Google wants to introduce VR to a million British schoolchildren

Google is convinced about the long-term of VR. The company is heavily pushing it through affordable hardware initiatives like Google Cardboard and Daydream. And now, Mountain View is bringing it to the classroom with the aim of introducing the concept to one million British schoolchildren.

“We’ve already received feedback from thousands of teachers in the UK and they believe that Expeditions can improve literacy and writing skills, and help create excitement to complement traditional teaching methods.”

Google Expeditions are available to any UK school, free of charge. The team behind it intends to visit schools in Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, Newcastle, and Inverness in the coming months, where they will demonstrate the technology and distribute headsets to children who may never have ever had the opportunity to experience VR.

Speaking to Engadget UK, Pichai said “Virtual reality can spark students’ imagination and help them learn about topics like how blood flows through the human body or the impact climate change is having on the Great Barrier Reef, in an engaging and immersive way.”

Source : TheNextWebEngadget ,beartai

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