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Change Management
and Workplace Transformation

Develop your business to keep up with technology


Change the way you work by G Suite


Workplace Transformation or Digital Transformation is the transformation of work process in the organization into digital format. By connecting the relationships of the People, Process, and Technology (G Suite) to make the work process more efficient, increase business potential, and keep up with technology and change.

 Why Workplace Transformation with G Suite?

Demeter ICT is one of the largest Google Partners in Thailand, provides Transformation Workshop services as a Business Consultant by analyzing customer’s current work processes and develop workflows under the capabilities of tools in G Suite.

Easier Collaboration

Work together any where, any time, and see working status individually.

Reducing time

Reduce enormous time spent on each task with powerful tools in G Suite.

Save Costs

G Suite provides productivity tools for collaboration in one suite.

Trusty Organization

Make effective organization with faster and more accurate work.