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The difference between chat and messaging

Chat and messaging are already common features of many websites and apps—learn why certain types of conversations provide a better user experience. We need to change the way we talk about chat. When live chat came out, users relished in the ability to instantly message customer service reps without having to pick up the phone. While this is one of the reasons chat has become one of the most popular customer support channels, live chat as we know it is changing. The old standards just don’t hold up to modern customer expectations, which hold brands up to higher standards....

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Get more conversions with chat

According to Zendesk, adding live chat can increase website conversion rates by 29 percent. In addition, it’s possible to further optimize chat channels and increase conversions with chat conversion tracking. Conversion tracking allows you to see how many of your conversions were affected by chat and even which agent was involved. Chat analytics allows you to meet your customer needs more effectively and increase sales. Here are four things that are improved by conversion tracking. Defining and tracking goals Zendesk Chat allows for chat conversion tracking, which helps you track chats that influenced a customer and helped them complete...

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