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Get more conversions with chat

According to Zendesk, adding live chat can increase website conversion rates by 29 percent. In addition, it’s possible to further optimize chat channels and increase conversions with chat conversion tracking. Conversion tracking allows you to see how many of your conversions were affected by chat and even which agent was involved. Chat analytics allows you to meet your customer needs more effectively and increase sales. Here are four things that are improved by conversion tracking.

Defining and tracking goals

Zendesk Chat allows for chat conversion tracking, which helps you track chats that influenced a customer and helped them complete a business goal. This could be a sales conversion, a feedback form, or a product signup.

Chat conversion tracking lets you set the page where your customer complete a purchase as a goal. This means that whenever a customer lands on the determined URL, it counts a successful conversion. It is also possible to set other goals, for example how many customers start and finish a survey on your website. URL goals let you identify and track which web pages, chats and agents create conversions, and which areas need to be worked on.

Proactive engagement with customers

With Zendesk Chat, it is easy to be proactive. If a customer seems stuck on your webpage, it is easy to reach out via Chat to help. Reaching out to customers can help reduce cart abandonment. It also allows the support team to offer a more personalized customer service experience. These things help improve conversion rates. Zendesk Chat lets you create certain triggers that will proactively engage customers and offer a helping hand.

Optimizing website flows

Chat conversion tracking lets you measure which web pages have better performance and what customers have the most questions about. Identifying and improving weak conversion areas lets you improve your website and create a smoother customer experience. For example, if customers tend to linger on a certain web page, you can reach out to them via chat to better understand what the problem is.

Improving agent training

With chat conversion tracking, it’s possible to monitor agent performance with conversion rates. This allows you to use the highest performing agents as models to train the rest of your team. This way you can ensure, that you are offering your customers the best support experience you can.

Zendesk Chat users have reported that live chat has increased their conversion rates significantly, up to 29 percent. While adding a live chat channel can increase sales, tracking your live chat conversion rates can help you improve your business much more.

Source: Zendesk

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