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What you should know about omnichannel customer service

New or smaller businesses often face a puzzle when thinking about channel selection. The number of communication channels available can feel overwhelming. The most obvious choice might be to choose one, maybe two, channels and handle all customer contacts through them. Unfortunately nowadays it’s not longer enough.

Customers require businesses to provide a seamless experience as they move between channels and interact with your brand in-store, on your website, mobile app or with your call center. Customers expect a seamless and consistent approach across all those channels. They are becoming more comfortable interacting with companies across a growing number of channels. Businesses attempts to respond to this in the best possible way. But what omnichannel really means and why it is important to your customer service.

What is omnichannel

Most consumers don’t know what the term “omnichannel” means. Actually they don’t really need to, because it’s your job to answer customer expectations. Customers expect, or even demand to have the same hassle-free experience no matter how they engage with you, along any part of their journey.

Omnichannel simply means that there’s more than one way for customers to reach out to you for support—by phone, email, live chat, social media, and lightweight self-service options such as knowledge bases and online communities or forums

The goal is for all of your customer service agents, no matter which channel they handle, to have a complete view of the customer. This will enable your agents to quickly and effectively provide the level of support needed, while saving customers from having to repeat information. An omnichannel solution empowers customers to communicate through the channel that makes the most sense and allows them to move seamlessly move between channels as needed, without disrupting the flow of conversation.

Why You Need Omnichannel

Studies have shown that 89% of customers get frustrated when they have to repeat information to multiple service representatives. Customers just want to solve their problem with the least amount of effort. Omnichannel support simplifies channel switching, ends siloed conversations, and guides customers to the best solution for their issue.

With the right omnichannel solution, interactions become simpler for the agent, as all customer data is captured in one place. With more context and the customer’s support history to draw upon, agents can decide how best to respond, leading to faster resolution times. To start, bringing all communication into one place is crucial. And then, the focus needs to be on optimizing your agents’ time once all that information is there.

An omnichannel solution should allow both customers and agents to move between channels with a view into the history of customer contact with your company, past satisfaction scores, and research the customer did on their own, on your site or help center, before they submitted a ticket. Among the benefits of omnichannel support give opportunities to reduce the number of contacts that require a human touch, thereby improving efficiency and leading to higher customer satisfaction.

Without a omnichannel solution, you risk tracking one continuous customer journey as separate interactions. This is often a technology problem, a chat system can’t talk to a ticketing system, and confusion on the support side results in frustration for the customer.

Zendesk and omnichannel support

Omnichannel support with Zendesk means information sharing is built in. You can connect everything you know about the customer to keep agents informed and create a common context across all channels. It’s easy to start with one channel and then add more without disrupting existing workflows or the customer experience.

Zendesk’s omnichannel support offers simple and powerful solutions that make it easy for customers to engage with your business, where and when it’s right for them. Channels are connected so conversations are seamless, agents are more productive, and information can be shared across your company.

Source : Zendesk


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