#1 服务台软件 “Zendesk” 可为您企业创造更好的客户体验

Introducing : “Help-desk software” that creates better customer experiences for your business !


服务台 (Help Desk) 是一种技术,它可以执行一些核心任务,理想情况下可以执行更多任务,并在您扩展规模时充当合作伙伴。传统上,服务台基于政府和公司的最佳实践(例如ITIL(Information Technology Infrastructure Library))定义其目标和流程。 Zendesk首席执行官Mikkel Svane曾说过,在ITIL内部处理客户问题或事件时的目标是“尽快恢复正常的服务运营,并最大程度地减少对业务运营的不利影响。”并非所有帮助台解决方案都已创建平等,并非所有帮助台解决方案都做同样的事情。也就是说,这是基本知识:

  • 以系统的方式处理客户的问题 : 从获取,管理和组织到响应和解决,最后是报告
  • 允许多渠道支持 : 这意味着您选择适合客户的渠道-电话,实时聊天,短信,电子邮件
  • 自助服务能力 : 您理想的知识库是什么样的?正确的服务台使您可以利用团队的机构知识,并通过自助服务门户将其用于公司,内部以及所有客户
  • 跟踪和分析 : 支持请求被首先响应并最终得到解决的速度有多快?客户有多高兴?
  • 集成 : 应用程序,小部件和附加组件可以成为当前的救命稻草,并成为未来增长不可或缺的一部分


客户满意度对于大多数成功的企业都是至关重要的,客户有两种主要类型:外部类型,即您为服务而创建企业的人员 ; 内部类型,即员工。现在,无缝,全渠道的 Helpdesk 软件已成为标准配置。但是,从长远来看,满足客户需求意味着什么?积极的互动与消极的互动具有相同的长期影响吗?根据《 2018 Zendesk客户服务调查报告》,有97%的受访者认为不良的客户服务改变了购买行为,而有87%的良好客户服务(通过电话,实时聊天,电子邮件等)改变了购买行为。






Companies like Expedia, Tesco, and Vodafone have implemented Zendesk’s help desk software to provide innovative support at scale.


Washio and other small businesses like Baublebar and charity: water use the Zendesk ticket management system to offer customer service for their growing businesses.


Shopify scaled service desk operations for its e-commerce business using Zendesk.

HR Teams

UTI, John Lewis, and other HR teams use Zendesk to provide streamlined, responsive help desk support software to their employees.

IT Teams

Zendesk customer service software powers the IT Help Desk at Xerox, allowing employees to get quick IT help.


The UCLA department of Psychology supported 200 staff members with a two-person team using Zendesk helpdesk software.

Zendesk : 使您的工单软件 (ticketing software) 成为您的

  • 快速,个性化的响应:客户服务台代理可以创建并共享自己的宏,以便通过对重复出现的客户查询的标准答复来快速响应。

  • 自定义视图:个性化视图使服务台代理可以根据故工单状态,受让人,组或其他条件查看其队列。

  • Apps Marketplace:可从我们的Apps Marketplace上获得的具有500多个应用程序和集成的Zendesk产品中获得更多收益


Team up

Zendesk’s web-based help desk solution使支持团队可以相互协作,并使用私下评论针对可能出现的任何问题共享信息。它还显示有关在任何给定时刻谁在查看票证的实时更新。

Help others help themselves

将您的服务台软件与可自定义的 服务中心 help center知识库 knowledge base,在线社区和客户门户相结合,从而使客户获得更好的自助服务,代理商可以提高效率并更快地解决问题。

Gain insights 


Get the right information from customers

动态的请求表单和 ticket字段为工单支持人员提供了更多的上下文,因此他们为对话做好了更好的准备,并可以提供更多个性化的客户支持。

Never miss a deadline


Take your help desk on the go


Learn more about Zendesk

Demeter ICT involved in Zendesk implementation at Kerry Express, starting from customer service process design, configuration, integration with Telephony and Chatbot, training, testing, data migration and Go-Live Support. The implementation time was around two months.
Demeter ICT participated in Zendesk implementation at LINE MAN WONGNAI. The scope of work is involved with customer service process design, configuration, integration with Telephony, training, testing, data migration and Go-Live Support. The system was up and ready in one month.
Cathay Pacific Airways
“As a customer-centric airline, it is essential that Cathay Pacific communicates with our customers on the channels they prefer. Messaging is fast becoming the preferred mode of communication of our customers and we’re looking forward to enhancing our customer experience with these new Zendesk capabilities.” - Lawrence Fong Group GM IT and Digital, Cathay Pacific Airways
Demeter ICT helps TRUE implement the Zendesk system. The scope of work is involved with customer service process design, configuration, training, testing, data migration and Go-Live Support. This is another ideal case that the customer started from a small portion of Zendesk deployment in order to prove the concept and expand significantly during the past few years.
Riot Games
“Zendesk is very much focused on the 'player' experience, like we are. I feel like we’ve always been able to speak honestly with each other.” Shaun 'BlueFire' Randall Product Manager Support Engineering at Riot Games
“We love the help center in Zendesk because it’s easy to use. We get some great analytics out of it in terms of which articles are being used the most. It helps us to make adjustments and to see what’s helping our users.” - Gerald Hastie Director, Global Customer Experience at Evernote
“Zendesk allows us to treat our colleagues with as much care as we give our customers.” - Adam Bruce Lead Product Manager, Service Desk at Tesco
"If we hadn’t invested so heavily in incredible support and our customer experience, we’d probably be just another app. Even if we’re just sharing cat memes, we’re constantly engaging with our customers, so they feel like they really know us as people. That’s a big part of our brand, and that starts with great support." - Danny Duong Director of Customer Experience at Discord
“Having a partner that really understands our business, and how ambitious we are, is huge—because service, at the end of the day, needs to be in lockstep with every single track of work that’s happening within Airbnb.” Shirley Lin Product Lead of the Support Products Group at Airbnb
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Contact Us: DEMETER ICTNo.1 Zendesk Authorized Solution Provider in Thailand and APAC. [ Demeter ICT ] – Our specializations are “CX Design”, “Consulting,” “Implementation“, “System Integration” and “Training” for Zendesk. We help clients analyse, design workflows, and build a good CX.

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